A new benchmark for consistent cycle wayfinding in Tāmaki Makaurau | Auckland
A fit-for-purpose Wayfinding system for Auckland’s Waihorotiu valley
Southampton Legible City
A city-wide wayfinding
and transport system
Stevenage Town Centre
A wayfinding system
inspired by the first
New Town
Auckland Downtown
Development of a multi-modal wayfinding system for a revitalised waterfront
The Rocks & Darling Harbour
A permanent and temporary wayfinding system for two of Sydney’s most iconic precincts
Surrey Legible City
A county-wide signage
system that celebrates the
individual identity of each town
Blue Mountains
Providing equitable access for all to a World Heritage listed area
Holistic navigational strategy for a regenerating town centre
Wangaratta Railway Precinct
Stimulating private sector investment through public realm improvements