Is this the end of the humble push button?

22nd May 2020By Kate PlebanProduct Design, Signage

The city as we know it, is changing. Amidst the global pandemic of COVID-19 our cities, our neighbourhoods and our people have had to adapt to a new way of being. Physical distancing restrictions have changed the way we communicate, connect, interact, move and function within both our public and private worlds.

Women in Wayfinding

1st March 2019By Hayley BranstonWayfinding, Graphic Design, Signage

2018 raised some hard-hitting issues surrounding gender equality, from pioneering movements such as #MeToo and #TimesUp, and enforcing gender pay gap reporting. These movements have forced us to reflect on our own experiences as women working in the design industry, to consider this effect on our professional lives, and to address where and how things can be improved.

Mud maps

26th October 2017By Finn ButlerWayfinding, Signage

Two travellers meet on a path – once the usual pleasantries are out of the way, the conversation begins to focus on important matters… Where have you travelled from? What is the condition of the route? Was it hard or easy terrain? Were there any dangerous sections or good places to stop along the way?

The subtle art of signage

3rd September 2017By Simon LeeWayfinding, Graphic Design, Signage, Events & Exhibitions

Simon Lee told Exhibition News about when it comes to event signage, getting visitors from A to B is an art form. It didn’t take long, however, for them to become clear that signage can influence the visitor journey round an exhibition in much more subtle and complex ways than simply pointing them in the right direction.